The Rolling Sale – FINAL ROUND!


No, I’m kidding. But most of you who had a childhood in the 90s probably thought that. But moving on …

So, in a surprise, last second upset, Unusual Events sold enough to unlock the fourth sale tier for Colony! Which means that Colony, starting next week, will be 50% off!

Except it won’t.

Okay, that was mean. What I meant to say before I gave into the urge to yank the rug out from beneath you guys is that due to Amazon’s 90-day cycle being in the middle of a renewal next week, if Colony did go on sale starting Monday, said sale would also end Tuesday, since you can’t crossover between cycles.

So yeah, this one’s partially Amazon’s fault for having such a dumb restriction in the first place, and partially my fault for not seeing it coming in the first place.

However, this does not mean all is lost. No, the sale is still going to happen. Just it will be delayed by a few days. Possibly until Friday (you have to put these sales in a few days in advance, so with Wednesday being the renewal day) … I swear it’ll come as soon as I can make it happen.

However, I feel bad, since I know for a fact many of you were waiting eagerly for Monday (I’ve gotten e-mails and messages to that effect). And this one was kind of my own fault, so to make up for it, I’m upping the reward tier to rank five.

That’s right, Colony won’t be 50% off. It’ll be 63% off. And I’m thinking I’ll make the sale go for seven days as well, as an additional apology for the delay.

So yeah, extra discount and two extra days to rack up sales for the final reward tier.

What’s that? You thought Colony would be the end of it? Oh no … I’ve got a surprise coming. But I’ll save that for another post. But suffice it to say that you can expect that copies purchased during this sale will … well, you’ve seen how the rolling sale has worked thus far. So you might be able to hazard a guess.

Regardless, that’s the news for today. Apologies for the delay, sincerely, and I’ll see you all Monday.

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